Cabinet resigned en masse received a protest demonstration ...

Expanding anti-American demonstrations in the Middle East and North ...

Cabinet resigned en masse received a protest demonstration ... The same day in the Yemeni capital of Sana'a, the US Embassy thousands of people gathered in front, some of the protesters entered the site by, for example, more than a fence. According to the authorities, people of protesters killed in collision with security forces. Person of the people of the security forces and demonstrators were injured. Tunisia and Morocco, also made anti-American demonstration in front of the US Embassy in Tel Aviv, Israel, in Gaza was like burning the Stars and Stripes gathered 00 people. Even in Sudan's capital Khartoum demonstration continued in front of the embassy, ​​the US government to US citizens, are calling not to go near the embassy. In the Iranian capital Tehran, 00 people before the Embassy of Switzerland to represent US interests gathered. Although the demonstration of this day was completed at about the time, the country's Islamic organizations have issued a statement calling for demonstrations in Iran throughout the day. Movie that became the beginning of the demo will be posted on the YouTube video posting site on the moon, was growing rebound in the Islamic world as a starting point and that the Egyptian television has picked up.

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