Cabinet resigned en masse received a protest demonstration ...

Why the large-scale demonstration in Lebanon Call app taxation] | ...

Cabinet resigned en masse received a protest demonstration ... Once [the Middle East of Paris] and referred to as the glamorous streets boasted the capital Beirut of Lebanon. Now, here in the angry crowd will fill the streets. Such as smart phones of interactive app [WhatsApp (Watts up)] is large-scale demonstrations occurred in the wake of taxation policy to the free calls, he Hariri prime minister has evolved to resign express situation. Such as 00 to the popular uprising [Arab Spring] in the Middle East that began the end of the year, Lebanon has been hit by frequent demonstration. This time, the people are united beyond the religion and sect, and has a different dimension of demonstration that poses a letter of divorce (letter of divorce) to the political system itself. And gasping in financial difficulties Lebanon's mosaic nation sect is present. After the civil war, which began in the year was terminated to 0 years, political power has been allocated to each sect. There, democratic politics is not fixed, sects Wakeai concessions, major politicians and distorted political structure gather power and money to his family has been fixed.

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